Project of Mushroom Growing mushroom
Mushroom Mushroom Grow
?What is Mushroom
Mushroom belongs to green kingdom , but Mushroom isn't a plant , Mushroom doesn't contain chlorophyll , mushroom feedings come from analyst materials that enable
mushroom analyzes cellulose from organic materials.
So, mushroom is considered from microorganisms that contains Basidiospares .
Mushroom has an economic importance , it contains a group of derivational torrential threads that gather together , shaping several shapes fruits , could be seen by naked eye .
Mushroom consists of stalk and cop , has different colors , white , dull colored or bright colored , this difference in shape is according to difference in kinds or sizes .
Difference in kinds may referred to the environment that mushroom growing in , some kind grow in damp wood , rice straw or horses dung.
Difference also may referred to the weather , some kinds grow in cold weather , hot weather , or in cold and hot .
Because of difference between kinds , some kinds of mushroom are poisonous or cause fainting and vomiting , besides , some kinds are fit for eating .
Fit for eating kinds are distinguished with containing a high ratio of proteins ,vitamins and mineral salts .
Mushroom is known as a complementary food for the whole body , it also an easy to digest food .
Fit for eating kinds like : oyster , agaricus and shiitake .
Mushroom has health and medical advantages , some of them .
(-) effective treatment for severe anemia .
(-) lessen blood cholesterol .
(-) no fats .
(-) Mushroom important food for who want to be elegant .
(-) general complementary food for the body ( for children – for youth – for elders ) .
(-) green product (organic)- no chemicals .
(-)contains high ratio of proteins , equals with meat's proteins (meat alternative ) .
فكرة جميلة
ردحذفومشروع ممتاز وخصوصاً لربات البيوت
بالتوفيق يا أحمد
ربنا معاك
خالد محمد خالد
مركز التجارة الإليكترونية والتكنولوجيا
ردحذفويا ريت شباب كتير ينفذوا هذا المشروع
الموضوع جميل جدا ومفيد لكثير من الشباب .بالتوفيق
ردحذفالله ينور يا استاذ احمد
ردحذفبجد مشروع فى غايه الروعه ارجو ان يكون بادره امل لكل شاب وفتاه
الله ينور يا استاذ احمد
ردحذفبجد مشروع فى غايه الروعه
ارجو ان يكون بادره امل لكل شاب وفتاه