A History of Mushrooms
Mushrooms are part of a larger group of plants known as fungi. A fungus is different from an ordinary green plant because it can’t make it’s own food. Fungi have been around since prehistoric days. Remains of fungi have been found in dinosaur pits! The Egyptian pharaohs (kings) reserved mushrooms for their own plates. It was forbidden for anyone else to eat them. They believed the mushrooms had magical powers. The ancient Romans fed mushrooms only to their warriors because they believed mushrooms gave them god-like strength.
Mushrooms can look strange. For instance, some mushrooms actually glow in the dark! No wonder people thought they were magical. Sometimes mushrooms grow in a circle or ring that appears around a circular path. In the olden days, many people believed these rings were made by fairies dancing through the night. Because of this, these rings are called “fairy rings” today. Fairy rings are really caused by the growth patterns of mushroom, not by dancing fairies!
The American Mushroom Institute
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